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 Dancing in the street

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2221
Age : 29
Localisation : Dans mon paradii
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2007

Dancing in the street Empty
MessageSujet: Dancing in the street   Dancing in the street EmptyLun 3 Sep - 12:52

Dancing In The Street
Calling out around the world
Are you ready for a brand new beat
Summer's here and the time is right
For dancing in the street
We're dancing in Chicago
Down in New Orleans
In New York City
All we need is music
Sweet, sweet music
There'll be music everywhere

There'll be swinging, swaying
And records playing
We're dancing in the Street

Oh, it doesn't matter what you wear
Just as long as you are there
So c'mon
Every guy grab a girl
Everywhere around the world
There'll be dancing
We're dancing in the street
This is an invitation
Across the nation
A chance for folks to meet


{au Refrain}

source: paroles.net
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