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 So free

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Féminin Nombre de messages : 2221
Age : 29
Localisation : Dans mon paradii
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2007

So free Empty
MessageSujet: So free   So free EmptyJeu 21 Fév - 20:28

Artiste: Pablo Puyol
Chanson: So Free

So free

Untidy, you're tired

You walk with no direction

Time passing by so slowly

This strange world get so boring

You know ain't worth waiting

Once more you keep on trying

Your sorrows flow like a river

Reaching the sea

But never and ever dying

So free, so free

Don't let the world destroy your heart

All right

You feel this new sensation

So free, so free

You can get what you want this time

All right

And try a new expression

So, you start to feel alive

I mean it so, until the end of time

I mean it so free

Road's bumpy, not easy

Thought this time

You know your destination

People staring, people talking

But you don't care what a cool sensation

Your dreams are so sweet

They ease your troubles, ease your pain

If someone ever loved you

You'll never know,

Be brave and try again

So free, so free

Don't let the world destroy your heart

All right

You feel this new sensation

So free, so free

You can get what you want this time

All right

And try a new expression

So, you start to feel alive

I mean it so, until the end of time

I mean it so free
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So free
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